Types of Vascular Tests

If you are researching about vascular diseases, chances are that you are interested in the different tests associated with them.

These are the most common test:


I already made a post about what is an Angiogram. In summary, it can serve well as a diagnostic procedure and as a therapeutic procedure.

By making use of X-Rays it helps your surgeon to decide the best treatment options.

Sedation is usually necessary so be sure to let know your surgeon about your allergies and if you have history with anesthesia.

Ankle-Brachial Index or ABI Test:

Also known as Segmental Pressure Test, Toe Pressure Test, Toe-Brachial Index (TBI)

But, besides the names, what you need to know is that this is a non-invasive test that make use of inflatable cuffs to gauge circulation and to check how is the blood pressure in arteries located in different parts of the body.

This test rarely present complications. The presence of side effects are very rare.

To give as much as information as possible to the technician is strongly advice.

Ask your surgeon about what is the proper clothing you need to bring for more comfort.

Carotid Duplex:

This test focused on the carotid arteries to spot possible blood blockages.

This is a painless and non-invasive procedure that can be performed in any well equipped facility.

Risks in this test are very low.

In 2-3 days the report with the results are ready to be delivered.

Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) and Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) Tests:

These tests make use of advance technology by making use of images to provide visual information about the current state of the blood vessels and to spot potential issues.

As a result the vascular surgeon has more information about the disease and how to proceed.

Duplex Ultrasound:

Ultrasounds help the vascular surgeon to make an evaluation of the actual state of the blood flow both in arteries and veins.

Unlike other tests, since precision is mandatory, this must be carry on a well-equipped vascular laboratory and a well prepared professional in the field.

In all these tests, ask your vascular surgeon for guidance and advice on how to prepare yourself before the procedure is performed.

How to Spot Peripheral Aneurysms Symptoms

Peripheral Aneurysms Symptoms

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

You might be worry of having an aneurysms and that is why you reach my website. Maybe by searching for Peripheral Aneurysms Symptoms on Google.

Well, let me enlighten you as best as I can.

First, you need to know that there an aneurysms occur in the aorta. It can be the thoracic aorta or the abdominal aorta.

When we talk about a peripheral aneurysm, we are talking about affections in arteries other than the aorta.

The area with the higher chances of suffering this kind of aneurism is in the popliteal artery. This is located in the area in the back of the lower thigh and knee.

Also, it happens that if you are diagnosed with peripheral aneurysm in one leg, it is very likely that you also have the same condition in your other leg.

This are the peripheral aneurysms symptoms you need to watch out:

You need to know that 65% of patients might not notice any physical symptom.

If that is not your case or you are suspicious, and depending of their location, you might have experimented something similar to:

  • A lump you feel pulsating
  • After performing a physical activity, you feel leg or arm pain
  • While resting, you experience leg or arm pain
  • Sudden pain in toes or fingers
  • Numbness in your arms or legs
  • In an extreme case, gangrene or death tissue.

There is the risk of a stroke if the carotid artery is involve.

Now, hopefully, you are not suffering any of this symptoms. But you might be interested in know what causes a peripheral aneurism.

There isn´t certainty about a definitive cause.

Several researches link this condition to atherosclerosis. As our bodies age, your arteries narrow and get weaker. It is a natural process.

What you can do is to watch out not to speed up the process. How you might be wondering?

Just stay away from the following:

  • High levels of cholesterol
  • Smoking
  • High levels of blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • Your family history

I hope you have now a clear picture of how to spot peripheral aneurysms symptoms.

If after reading this info you think you might be suffering peripheral aneurysm, don´t hesitate and go to visit your most trusted physician.

For deeper information, I recommend to visit VascularWeb.org 

Varicose Veins: Early Symptoms

Varicose veins early symptoms

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

If you are looking for varicose veins (VV) and its early symptoms I can give you some info.


It is all related with high blood pressure in your superficial leg veins.

It you are suspicious you might suffer this condition, check your family history. There are high chances of you experiencing varicose veins if someone or several members of your family suffer it.

Lack of physical exercise, over weight and a sedentary way of life facilitates and increase the chances of you suffering varicose veins. Also, Deep Vein Thrombosis is a factor that influences VV.

According to VascularWeb.org, women are more likely to develop this condition.

Varicose veins early symptoms

The first signals you need to look for are: constant feeling of heaviness in your legs. Also, some leg ache. Watch out for night cramps, it is not only the pain they bring, but a feeling of mental tiredness cause by the lack of proper sleeping. It is not only the physical element you need to think about, your mind will be also stress out by this new situation.

The skin of your legs might change its natural color as well. Formation of sores should be expected.


As a vascular surgeon, I make some questions to get to know more about your medical history. Then, a physical exam is performed. Mainly, I have to look at your superficial veins, to check for their color and texture.

It there is not an early treatment, the chances of your condition to get worse is much higher.

One easy treatment is to prop your feet up above the level of your heart 3 to 4 times every day. The use of compression stockings is recommended if you are in an advance stage. This option can play out to be very effective. Also, it can be something to wear for life.

If the previous treatments fail, there might be the need for a minimally invasive treatment, depending the condition of your varicose veins.

About Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).

About Deep Vein Thrombosis

Image courtesy of hyena reality at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

As a vascular surgeon, one of the most frequent request I receive is about deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

What is DVT?

Think of your arteries, what goes through them? Well, you arteries facilitate that your oxygen-rich blood travel from your heart to reach the rest of your body. In return, through your veins, you receive blood with a lower level of oxygen back to your heart. It sounds like some kind of trade, doesn´t it?

You have veins known as superficial veins and deep veins. Deep veins are the ones you need to watch when thinking about Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). This, because blood clots may appear in such veins. The location of the clot may differ. Normally, pelvis and thigh are the places to look for, at first.

Pulmonary embolism is one the biggest dangers you might face with DVT. In this case, your lungs might be affected. This, in short time, can be fatal.

If you are suspicious about having this condition, go and pay a visit to your physician.

What are the symptoms?

There isn`t a list a symptoms, it is more like where in your body and the size of the blood clot. Swelling, leg pain or your skin turning into red or blue.

Main causes

When you are experiencing a poor flow in your blood, the risk of DVT increases. Living a sedentary lifestyle opens a window of opportunity for this kind of conditions. Not only can happen for people who spend most of the time sitting on a chair. If you spend most of your day standing, you are not necessary moving.

Other than work related activities, events such as a mayor operation where you need to lie back most of the day.

Obesity is a condition that can propel DVT as well as events such as heart failures.


Of course, as physicians, we have to ask regular questions about your health, activities and actual condition. To check your overall health history is mandatory.

After this, a venogram test or a duplex ultrasound test are required.

The good thing is that DVT can be treated with minimally invasive treatments and medications. Surgery is very rarely to happen.

Rajasinghe Vascular Research and Education Foundation, inc

Rajasinghe Vascular Research And Education Foundation, Inc. it´s an initiative I have been working since the year 2014 and it is something I feel very passionate and committed about.

I know how though medical school can be, not only taking in perspective all the effort it implies, but also the financial challenges an average medicine student may face.

That is why I decided, with the help of some close colleagues, to run a foundation focused on helping talented and high potential students through scholarships and other types of support underserved children and youngsters in the Collier County to help them in their path in careers related with science and medicine.

We will be looking to make alliances with other non-profit organizations and institutions that are focused, solely, in educational and charitable purposes.

Also, we will looking to provide internships and/or volunteer opportunities for some of such students. All aiming to bring the best practical experience possible for the future medical students who will bring a positive impact in our society.

This a videos from Duke medical students expressing their gratitude at the Duke Medical Annual Fund.

Disorders of Blood Vessels

What happens when Arteries are affected?

Arterial disorders of blood vessels represent the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in the Western countries. Much of this occurs due to obstruction of the arteries because of the formation of a plaque in blood vessels, most commonly involving the blood vessels of the heart and brain, but can also occur acutely as a result of emboli/ clot or trauma. The plaque or atheroma is a cholesterol deposit within the arterial walls that gradually increases in size.

Symptoms of Obstruction of an Artery

The symptoms and signs produced relate to the organ supplied by the artery for example in heart- angina and heart attack, in brain- stroke. In limbs, it causes Intermittent Claudication at first which is cramp-like pain felt in the muscles during exercise and relieved by rest. It progresses to Rest Pain which occurs even with the limb in rest and is characteristically worse at night and exacerbated by elevation of the foot. The limb involved might also be cold, numb with skin changes and weak distal pulses.

How is an Arterial Obstruction Diagnosed?

In case of a chronic obstructive disease, blood glucose and lipid metabolism is investigated along with electrocardiography (ECG) for disorders of blood vessels of the heart. A hand-held Doppler ultrasound and Duplex scanning is done to detect abnormal arterial blood flow and to calculate ankle-brachial pressure index (ABPI). Ankle-brachial pressure index is a ratio of blood pressure at the ankle to that of the arm and a value below 0.9 indicates some degree of arterial obstruction. Sometimes, an angiography, also called arteriography, might be required if surgery is planned. It involves the injection of a radio-opaque dye into the blood vessel to visualize the point of obstruction. New techniques such as magnetic resonance angiography and computerized tomography (CT) angiography are now replacing classical angiography.

What should you do if you have an Arterial Obstruction?

Patients of chronic arterial occlusion are advised to continue walking though pain which helps in development of new collateral vessels. Exercise is encouraged and cessation of smoking is essential. Overweight patients are given dietary advice to reduce weight and a plan for an active healthy lifestyle.

What is the treatment for an Arterial Obstruction?

Medications like aspirin maybe prescribed to thin the blood along with drugs to control diabetes and hypertension. The disease may be treated by inserting a balloon catheter into the artery and inflating it to dilate the narrowed part of the artery in a procedure called Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty (PTA) or a graft of blood vessel maybe applied on either side of the narrowed part to bypass it. In case of an acute disorder of blood vessel, the blood clot is dissolved by giving medications or removed by surgery. If gangrene occurs, which is the death of a part of limb, it must be removed by amputation.

What are some other Arterial disorders of blood vessels?

Sometimes the walls of the arteries become weak mostly due to high blood pressure and may expand to form a dilated part in the artery called an aneurysm. Common sites include the chest, abdomen and the blood vessels of brain. An aneurysm might cause no symptoms, or might rupture and become fatal in 50% of ruptured abdominal aneurysms.

In certain disorders, the body produces factors that attack its own blood vessels and cause inflammation. These diseases are called the autoimmune disorders of blood vessels and occur in rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematous and polyarteritis nodosa.

Some disorders of blood vessels in the skin might exist since birth. These include a capillary hemangioma which appears as raised red swelling anywhere on the body, mostly on the head or neck, and regresses with age. Other vascular birthmarks include ‘salmon patch’ which disappears within a year after birth and ‘port wine stain’ which is associated with several syndromes.

What happens when Veins are affected?

Venous disorders of blood vessels include varicose veins which are tortuous dilated veins of the skin affecting 5% of adult population most commonly the legs. The veins become dilated either because of the backflow of blood in the veins due to incompetent valves or secondary to an obstruction impeding the normal venous blood flow.

Symptoms of Varicose Veins

It commonly presents with pain in the legs at the end of the day or after prolonged standing. Other symptoms include itching, swelling of the leg or ulcers.

How is Varicose Veins Diagnosed?

A standard Doppler examination or a Duplex venous scan can easily visualize the blood flow within the veins or if any clot/ thrombus are obstructing the blood flow. Sometimes a venography might be done which allows detailed mapping of the veins and is an extremely useful test for patients with recurrent varicose veins or those with complex anatomy.

What should you do if you have Varicose Veins?

Patients of varicose veins are advised to wear compression stockings, elevate their legs and avoid standing for long hours, sometimes even requiring a change in occupation.

What is the treatment for Varicose Veins?

It can be treated by injecting a detergent chemical (sodium tetradecyl sulphate) in the wall of the vein either directly or mixed with air to form foam to destroy the vein. Surgically, the affected vein maybe tied at a high point in the leg and the rest stripped off. Newer techniques of endovascular laser and radiofrequency ablation to destroy vein are less invasive and preferred.

What are some other Venous disorders of blood vessels?

Other venous disorders of the blood vessels include formation of a clot- Deep Vein Thrombosis which causes pain, swelling and eventual discoloration of the leg. The clot maybe dissolved by medications or removed by surgery.


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Great infographic with facts about your heart

Hello to all my readers and patients

As a surgeon, I like to read all interesting info I can find in my field of work. Reading medicine papers and doing some research can be exhausting, the terminology might not be easy to understand for people not related with the health industry.

Today, I want to share a very instructional and easy to understand infographic created by the Cleveland Clinic on their blog post title: 21 Amazing Facts About Your Heart (Infographic)

Enjoy it!

Two things to watch after a vascular surgery

Nowadays, having a surgery has far less risks than it had decades ago. With new technologies available for physicians around the country, we can focus on the procedure and not so much on the tools anymore.

Anyhow, there are precautions to consider, especially after the surgery.

Even if the procedure lasts only a couple of hours, keep in mind that the human body needs time to fully recover.

The first thing to watch out after a vascular surgery is if you feel any loss of sensation or movement in any part of your body.

Second, keep special care if you notice any kind of swelling. Especially in your legs.

If any of this events happen, please get in touch with your vascular surgeon. Do not let too much time to pass. Report these troubles right away.

4th Annual Fundraiser for the JJ Karmacharya Foundation for Vascular Surgery

JJ Karmacharya Foundation for Vascular Surgery

This next October 7th takes place the 4th Annual Fundraiser benefitting the JJ Karmacharya Foundation for Vascular Surgery.

The aim of this initiative is to support awareness and education in vascular surgery for the South Florida community.

There will be Chaviar Splash and Champagne. The event will be take place in a yacht, so please, wear your favorite yacht attire.

Takes available: $75 each.

Purchase Tickets Here –> http://www.sfsvs.org/jjkf-fundraiser-tickets

For questions, please write to [email protected]

More about the JJ Karmacharya Foundation for Vascular Surgery (JJKF) –>http://www.sfsvs.org/foundation

3 life saving Slideshare presentations

Slideshare.net is my favorite source of knowledge when I want to learn about a topic in a quick and, sometimes, fun way.

As someone who loves all things related to science and healthcare, I like to check, from time to time, what new presentations are posted on this wonderful platform. Some are very fun and engaging. The ones I like the most, I share them on my Twitter profile.

Today, I want to share with you 3 of the presentations, I consider, that could help you at any moment

  1. First aid and bandaging.

No matter who you are or where you are, emergencies can come at any time and it is better to be prepared to deal with them the best possible way. Sometimes, just knowing what to do when someone next to you suddenly “faints” could save that person´s life.

  1. How to do CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)

Some people think that CPR is just to pump the other person´s chest and to blow air into her lungs. Well, there are other things to keep in mind before performing a CPR procedure and this presentation can give you the whole spectrum.

  1. Hypothermia

Known as “the nature silent killer for the unprepared”, hypothermia is a danger faced by those who are located in areas where winter takes temperature to the extreme and who are not properly equipped.

I live in Florida, I got other worries, but sometimes I travel to northern regions in the US and so might you, so it is better to be prepared.

I hope you take notes and that if you ever face one of these situations, you know what to do and that you do it properly.

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