What is an angiogram?

An angiogram is a test to take a look at the arteries in different parts of the body.

Think of an X-ray that makes use of a camera to take pictures of the blood flow thought the arteries.

Combining the X-ray with a special dye, the vessels are outlined and can be seen.

This test allow your doctor to check potential blockages in the coronary arteries or in other arteries or veins.

A coronary angiogram gives a better understanding of the actual state of your heart and how well is working or if something needs to be done. The same applies to other areas of the body.

This procedure is relatively safe and serious complications are a very rare thing.

For its complexity, it is better to take this procedure in a hospital with the proper equipment.

What is chronic venous insufficiency?

One the duties I am in charge of, is dealing with symptomatic chronic venous insufficiency. This is a condition that affects 5 in a 100 american citizens.  I do it by performing an endovenous procedure.

As your high school teacher might have mentioned, arteries transport rich-oxygen blood from your heart to the other areas of your body and, then, veins return a less oxygen-rich blood to your heart. When the veins in your legs failed to perform this task, you will start suffering from chronic venous insufficiency.

What are the risk factors?

  • Obesity
  • Family history (most important risk factor)
  • People over their 50s
  • Pregnancy and hormones
  • One or more blood clots in superficial veins.


If not treated in time this can cause:

There are several approaches in dealing with this, such as:

  • Compression stockings
  • Sclerotherapy
  • Ablation
  • Vein stripping
  • Bypass
  • Valve repair
  • Angioplasty and Stenting


In later posts I will explain each one these.

If you have need help, please, don`t hesitate and schedule an appointment to decide the best option for you.

PS: For more details about this condition, check this animated video

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